Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday nights time-lapse view shows reflection on the water. The ice is out.

It is leaving behind a great many sticks, twigs and large branches.  I guess they will need to be removed from the beach.  

The kayaks will need to be pulled out from under the porch and see if they still float.  The chairs will need to be pulled from the shed and placed around as well.

I have not had a fire yet to just sit around, still a little cold  evenings for my skinny butt.  I have had several fires burning off the winter’s debris along with the mess that tree trimmers made around some wires.  

As chores are made up for something to do, walks become more difficult to achieve.  My 6 miles a day (goal) takes two hours at least to accomplish. More time is needed if I get waylaid.  I am now coming to know more people around the ponds, this leads to chatting, makes the walks even longer.  The problems of being retired. 

The graduating grandson’s fabric has been ordered and his quilt will be moved to the top of the queue and the scraps will be put away for a bit.  It is on the way.  

Currently still cleaning up scraps and trying to figure out what I have an abundance of and letting the imagination flow.  Thinking smaller in size than some of the Rona series.  

Today I pulled all of the quilts for the Maine Quilts Exhibit and hung them and took pictures of them.  While doing so, I was reminded of Carol’s comments about why did they need to be so big? I guess I was trying to use up fabric, lots of fabric is used on big quilts not small ones.  Also more ideas are needed unless you make several of the same concept. 

I have started writing about the exhibit quilts and been wondering to myself, “what was I thinking when I presented this idea?”.  I knew it was me because I recognized my voice.  I would rather be making the next top than writing about past tops.  Some of them I need to look at a few minutes to even remember making, and others, it takes a minute or two to remember how I made it.  I have three or four days to finish the writeup.  

Truth be told, it almost feels like homework.  Never liked homework.  I’ll make it happen.  Today’s picture taking will be a big help in remembering the process of construction.

Enjoy your week as Spring works her magic and brings life back to our world.  Get out and observe it, it can be a wonder to behold.

1 comment:

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ Thursday evening. There were times today it snowed quite hard, real big flakes. We obtained about 5 inches that required reloca...