Friday, December 3, 2021

Hunter Star Quilt

Dan here, Thursday night, 32 degrees. Nice and calm, could have been tempted for a fire but I guess those evenings are over for this season. Woke up to snow on the ground with wet snow falling… then it changed to rain. Driveway now covered in slush, maybe tomorrow if it warms above freezing, I’ll clean it up. It’s supposed to warm up after the weekend and rain. Time will tell.

This being Thursday means that I have finished another walk week. If you remember I set a goal for myself to walk 2021 miles during the calendar year.

Year started on a Thursday, hence my walk week is Thursday to Thursday. To date I have walked just over 1954 miles towards my goal. This leaves me with 67 miles left to go. If I push a little I could finish in two weeks or at least into the third week. When I check my watch and compare todays date to one year ago today, it says I walked 2117 miles. Just think where I might have ended up if I had actually gone anywhere.

I have been plugging away on my Hunter Star project. I never really liked that particular block and the different patterns obtained from using it. I have never been a big fan of the half finished stars that get left along the edges of the quilt. There are ways around this but the ways require a little imagination and extra work. Still an easy and fast moving project.

I have all my block halves made 

and a little over half of the light and dark pairs together. 

Hopefully tonight will see that process finished and then I will start laying a design out to see what I will make this quilt look like.

3-1/2 hours later and I now have all the blocks sewn together. I had to finish and try a possible layout. 

This is probably my favorite Hunter Star layout so will probably leave it as is and sew it together. I was real careful about keeping like fabrics apart as much as possible and like the distribution of the blues. It looks almost blue and white but in reality it is blue and grey.

The next quilt top will be back to scraps. I think I’ve grown to like them better. I still want to add a couple more to my Can I use up my Stash series. After all, I still have a crapload (technical term) of stash left to use up. I really rather doubt I could ever live long enough to make much of a dent in it.

The weekend is almost here, enjoy and stay safe. Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way it looks! And yes it looks white and not gray but I still like it :)


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ Thursday evening. Another week gone by. Has been rainy and extremely foggy today. Visibility today was measured in the hundred...