Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Erin's Ornaments

Carol here ~

Every Christmas our music teacher daughter, Erin, makes origami ornaments for her chorus students and special friends. She uses paper with music notes on it. Every year the ornament is different and they must be modular, meaning multiple pieces of paper.

If a student was in chorus from 6th - 12th grade they would have seven of Erin’s ornaments. Erin’s favorite Christmas memory is when a student that has long graduated sends her a picture of their tree with one of the ornaments on it.

Here is this year's, I think she said it used eight pieces of paper. She has made thirty so far, it takes her eighteen minutes per ornament.

We have our ornaments hanging on Big Bertha, our monstrous jade plant.

Here is a closer look at the ones we have. I know I am missing a couple, they are probably in the Christmas box in our storage unit.

I think the one on the right is my favorite

Here are some comments she has had recently from previous recipients of her ornaments:

I still cherish all the ornaments you’ve made me through the years.

I miss your ornaments! they were so fun!

I have all mine!! So beautiful!

I have one Erin creation and it comes out every year to decorate my house. Beautiful!

We have four - and they are hanging on the tree! Thank you so much.

So wherever your memories come from, whether from folded pieces of music paper or wherever or whatever else takes your mind to pleasant remembrances of Christmases from your past, enjoy them. 

Have a safe and happy holiday and continue to make new memories. 

Merry Christmas!

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