Friday, December 24, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, Thursday evening. Two days before Christmas. Carol and I had our Christmas with family on the 18th, last Saturday. We went to Vanessa’s house for the tree and a kind of pot luck dinner. Whatever it was called it did the trick. As usual more goodies than needed. It was nice to see everyone. Carol took a nice picture of the grands in front of the tree. 

The girls will spend Christmas with their families, Carol and I will spend it much like any other day. I hope you enjoy your Christmas day no matter how you choose to spend it.

I met my walking goal of 2021 miles for the year last Friday, December 17. Good thing, this week has probably been the worst week all year. I walked less than 25 miles all week. Far cry from the 50 mile weeks I saw last winter. Time will tell whether I continue the trek into next year. It’s only one more mile between 2021 and 2022, so I guess the goal is about the same. I did it once, I could probably make it again. It seemed like an impossible goal when I set it but at least I accomplished it.

I noticed some Mayflowers, a spring flower, while walking the other day, just before it snowed. I was a little surprised when close inspection of the plants showed buds already forming. I guess waiting for winter to go by so they can finish developing and blossoming come next May. 

Wednesday was a wet and snowy day. I had to go up to Farmington for an appointment. Snowy, slushy and miserable. It cleared for a while back at the house and Carol took a nice picture of the rainbow that appeared along the edge of the pond. 

I continue with current project. I have several blocks complete. As is usually the case when creating with no pattern or any real plan, there is a learning curve involved. Unit positioning needs to be correct so that geese all fly in the direction intended in all the blocks. 

I am thinking about what to do with the borders. I may reduce the number of blocks needed in the body and make a pieced border, or maybe not. No rules in quilting and I’m not following a pattern so no matter what I end up with I can say I planned it that way. Here is an idea of what multiple blocks lined up together looks like. 

I think I like it, it is using up stash so I guess all is good.

So enjoy your Holiday, stay safe and healthy, 2022 is coming, let’s hope it’s coming to play nice.

Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out. And if the dog got out when you left the house, make sure you catch him and put him back in before you leave.


1 comment:

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ Thursday evening. It was a nice calm day today. I managed to burn off some of the wood I have been pulling off the pond. Unfor...