Monday, November 1, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, coming to you from the fire on Sunday evening.

After a rainy start today turned into a lovely day. The wind stayed low, supposed to rain during the overnight, but nice tomorrow. I’ll take it. It doesn’t really matter what I want, we all know our weather is controlled by the butterflies in the Orient. I read that on the internet, must be true.

Thanks everyone for all the anniversary wishes. It’s nice to know there are some people who remember us old farts. A nice afternoon was spent with both girls at our older daughter’s house in Readfield. Vanessa made a cake and we ate Texas Roadhouse takeout. Nice day. Thanks again everyone.

Ok now I’m through being nice. I’m confused, I don’t remember seeing any of you at my dinner table growing up, but you all must have been raised by my mother. Or at least someone like her and she only had two sisters. I was taught “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything”. Well, that is what I think most of you must have been thinking when I posted this block. 

I said that it would not be the primary block but I would go from there. Evidently everyone thought it was ugly as well and did not want to hurt my feelings, and said nothing. No one but Carol said anything. She said, “you can’t be thinking of building a quilt around that block are you? It’s butt ugly.” Or something to that effect. After looking at it repeatedly I decided I can’t in my wildest dreams ever imagine actually using this block in the quilt. I thought I had a layout using the primary blocks with this block in the center of the quilt top. Sorry, can’t do it, it’s just too ugly. Can’t decide whether to take it apart and salvage the outside and remove the center, or scrap the whole thing. It’s just too busy. I guess it’s a case of, “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

Well anyway, this is what I have come up with for the blocks for #20. 

The sashing strips and cornerstones are not set in stone quite yet. My head knows what I want to do but need to see if I can figure out a way to make it work. I found a one yard cut of fabric I bought somewhere that I liked in one of my scrap bins I was perusing. Going to take some math to see if I can make it work, I do enjoy the math, but boy, doesn’t it suck when you figure wrong and come up short. Hopefully, I can figure out a way to make it work, I would really like to use this piece of fabric in this quilt. Because no matter what others say, sometimes you should, just because you can. Math may happen tonight, I’ll let you know next time I yak at you.

Enjoy the beginning of the week, I think I feel rain drops and am getting rained out. So Dan from the fire signing out.

But, Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.


  1. I guess I'm an exception as I really do like the one you are eliminating and I don't think it is ugly. I have spent several times looking at and marvel at your ability to work with such small pieces in variety of ways and always creative, I wish I had that ability but at this point I'm just glad I can get the quilts I want to make, done and pass on the scraps to those who like to do what you do!! Keep it up as I so enjoy seeing what you come up with.

  2. Dan, I agree with Chet. I like the "butt ugly" square. To be totally honest, I'd have to say I like B-U better than all of the star squares in the picture below. For me, they are too busy with all the different colors, patterns and sizes. The beauty of quilts, though, is that you can love it and I can pass on it, and neither of us is wrong. And my mother taught us to say nothing if it couldn't be nice, too, and my dad taught us to be honest (tactfully). Guess I learned both lessons! ~~ Prudy


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...