Wednesday, August 18, 2021

More Visitors!

Carol here ~

Yesterday, friends Michelle and Stephen rolled in on their motorcycle for a visit! They are RVing, staying in Scarborough, and cruising the back roads of Maine on their bike. We enjoyed lunch at the picnic table and a relaxing afternoon on the front patio, chatting and catching up. It was a beautiful day, not a ripple on the pond. So good to see them!

My oncology appointment is on Thursday this week instead of Wednesday (today). It is also the week I get the results of my latest blood work to check my myeloma markers. Hoping it is good, I need good. Lately it seems I am having more bad days than good and there is no rhyme or reason as to either. Monday was very bad, yesterday better. Trying to keep my chin up, guess that’s all I can do.

So, don't have much to blog about as I have mostly been laying around or reading.

Stay safe everyone....


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...