Dan here from the fire pit Thursday evening.
Carol has gone to bed, the neighbors have mostly gone elsewhere for the night and quiet prevails. The wildlife is pretty quiet this time of year during the evening. Though to be honest, were I not typing this I would have my headset on with the noice cancellation on high, listening to a book. You hear the book and not much else. Technologically peaceful, if that can be something that is real.
I think the cucumbers are about ready to go crazy. There a great many that are almost ready. I pick Carol a few cherry and berry sized tomatoes every day now. She got her first cucumber the other day. I do miss having a big garden. Though if the truth were to be told, a big garden today would probably kill me. I find it way too enjoyable to see the weed free rows and plush plants and forget how much damage the weeding is taking on my body. I used to spend hour after hour tending the plants. Loving every minute, and in varying degrees of pain while doing it.Quilting is the same, very hard on my shoulders and back but I enjoy looking at what I create and taking pleasure from it. I guess we do what we do, because that is what we know how to do and it is easier to continue doing that which is familiar than trying something new. Some day I may try something new. I don’t really know what it might be, but when I think of something I’ll let you know. That is what is exciting about something new, I haven’t thought of it yet. If I had, it would be something old and I would have tried it or vetoed the idea.
My fire has died down and my ramblings have reached the end. Enjoy your weekend. Stay healthy and have fun…I’ll try as well.
Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.