Thursday, July 22, 2021

This and That

Carol here ~

Not much happening here so far this week, kinda quiet. It will be nice to get rid of this gloomy doomy weather pattern and have some clear, sunny days.

We had a lovely canoe ride the other night ~ not a ripple on the pond.

My girls and I had a great time at the baby shower last week, got to see relatives we haven’t seen since before Covid. The shower was outside, we got sprinkled on a couple of times but it was plenty warm so we didn’t mind. Baby boy Neaton is due in September.

Me, Vanessa, Erin
Photo by Lori

I have PT this morning, am finally feeling that it is making a difference. I no longer have any limitations on my back but am still wary ~ guess it will be a while before I feel confident that I won’t hurt myself again.

After PT I am meeting Erin at the blueberry field. She has an appointment in Portland and will head there after. I’m not sure how long I will last but should be able to do a bit of picking.

I had another good report at my oncology appointment yesterday. My myeloma markers continue to decrease and my red and white blood counts are stable. I am also now receiving one of my injections every other week instead of every week.  Progress.....

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...