Friday, June 18, 2021

No More Socks!

Carol here ~

Woohoo! No more compression socks! Which means I am halfway through my month of no BLT’s ~ bending, lifting, twisting. I’m sure Dan will be more than happy when I'm able to start doing my chores again. He hasn’t complained (well, maybe a couple small whines) even though I know he doesn’t like doing them. I’m actually looking forward to functioning like normal again.

Yesterday was my three appointment day. 8:30 in Topsham, 12:15 in Lewiston and 2:15 in Auburn. Twas a long day. It was also the beginning of month #2 of my chemo treatments which meant I also had the monthly bone density infusion. The first time I had it I had side effects ~ pounding headache, lymph nodes in my neck aching, nausea and vomiting. Ugh, not a happy camper. This month they tweaked it ~ added more saline to the infusion and slowed down the drip. So far, so good!

Dan found a tick imbedded in his thigh the other morning. Nasty little buggars. He got it out using one of those tick taker-outers. (technical term) He doesn’t think it was a deer tick but as we were inspecting it he dropped it down the drain. Oopsie. The site was angry looking, he called his doc to get a script for doxycycline.

The nurse said sometimes the doc will prescribe it right away, sometimes he “waits and sees”. Ummmm, I don’t think so. Dan said to her ~ well, let me tell you this. I am the sole care giver my wife who is undergoing treatment for cancer, we are on the road every day. I can’t be under the weather even for one day. Nurse said she would pass that info on to the doc ASAP. She called back shortly to say the script had been sent into our pharmacy. Sheesh.

We have no plans and no company expected for the weekend. It will just be nice to be home and not traipsing all over Central Maine for appointments. Grandson Jakob has a cold ~ snotty nose and a cough so Vanessa doesn’t want to bring him over until he gets rid of it. Now that school is over they can visit during the weekdays and not just on weekends so they will have more options.

What are your plans for the weekend? Whatever they are, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the positive treatment changes. Thinking positive thoughts for you as you are moving forward :)


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...