Friday, May 28, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here. All well here on the pond. Been either way too hot or too cold and windy. I guess the wind is keeping the black flies away. Too windy for fires the last couple nights. Fire danger way too high to take a chance.

Been trying to get figured out what will get planted this summer. Carol showed you the window boxes on the retaining wall last time. I have planted a few other pots and have planted the big planter at the back of the house. Still need another trip to the greenhouse for a couple more plants for the front of the house towards the pond and beside a little fence between us and the neighbors.

Planting beside the fence is on hold as I wait for the landscaper to put the last capstone on the retaining wall.

I have been waiting since last fall. I now will be reminding him daily. 

I may get a couple of hanging plants if I can find some new Shepard’s hooks. I sold (mostly gave away) several of mine when we moved from Rangeley. Now I can buy more. Ain’t it funny, we get rid of “stuff” to downsize then buy it again. Don’t know how many things I’ve looked for and vaguely remember throwing/selling/giving it away.

I’m still pulling up oak trees out on the beach. I swear every acorn that was left on the beach sprouted and is trying to become a tree. Almost every trip out there I find a few more. 

The Lady Slippers are still to be spotted as I take my walks. 

On Thursday I saw an owl swoop into the trees in front of me. As I got lined up for a picture, it flew off into a different tree.. Much better view, it kind of looked at me as if to say “this better?” I got several pictures and a video. It was fun, don’t get to see them often even though I know they are around.


My walking is still off, too many appointments and too many chores around here. If my math is correct I have reached the 1000 mile mark. Seems like a long way to go still, we shall see, one half way there.

Enjoy your weekend, next week starts a very busy month with us, being on the road almost every day of the week. Is what it is, hang in there, we will, and remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

Sunset 5/27/21

1 comment:

  1. We just bought a Nut Wizard to gather acorns off the ground and it really works! It won't get the ones that are imbedded but they sure pick up the others. Chet gathered a 5gal bucket within 15-20 min! It also has a thing you put on the bucket that helps to get them out of the drum! Check it out for the fall :). sue
    PS let me know if you get one. I'm curious to see what you think :)I bet it would do really well on the sand.


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...