Monday, March 1, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

We had an eventful weekend. We walked, we sewed, Carol got Lena Longarm back up and running. Lena’s part came back, was told that it was fine, put it back where it belonged and wired it up and it worked as it should. Guess she just wanted a vacation. Well Lena girl, there is a list of tops waiting for you.

Still plugging along with Rona 13. Did this one kind of backwards. Usually the block is what is time consuming. With this quilt top, the top is basic, a framed 9-patch block.

Most of the 9-patch blocks were orphan blocks left over from an earlier top. I told you last time about how I had to frame the “odd” size 9-patch blocks so I could build with them as a “normal” 9” finished block.

Sashing strips contain eleven pieces in each one. I thought I would be a little different and instead of using piano keys in the border, I would use them in the sashing strips. Nine 1” strips were randomly sewn together to make a 4" x 9" rectangular strip set.

I cut them at 4” knowing I would need to trim them down to the 3-1/2” x 9-1/2” unfinished units that I needed to mount beside the framed 9-patch blocks.


They weren’t quite complete yet though because some of the cornerstone intersections would have V-block stars to add interest. This meant that I needed to pop two corners on one end of each sashing strip with the Corner Pop 2 from Studio 180 Design.


That is currently what I am working on. It turns out that every sashing strip will require the popping of two corners on one end. Oh well.


When we were remodeling the house last year we had a corner shelf built in for my huge jade plant. 

Big Bertha

We affectionately refer to her as Big Bertha. Big Bertha is old, by my best guess she is older than me. I inherited her from my mother. She inherited her from her mother.

I don’t know when Gram got Big Bertha but I remember she was always at Gram’s house somewhere. The side porch or an unused bedroom sitting in the window.

She is almost too big to move often now. She is about all I can lift in the awkward position I have to assume in order to handle her.

Well anyway, the point of all this is she was quite unhappy in her little corner this winter. Last summer I would turn the pot a little and trim as necessary so that she did not have to rub against the walls.

Light comes in through the window behind her shelf quite nicely in summer and fall, but not in the winter. I had noticed that her leaves were drooping and decided that it was time to hit the Google. A little research gave several options as to the cause. Thirsty was one option listed, overwatering was another. I ruled out the overwatering as Big Bertha is always thirsty. Root bound was another option listed.

I knew from my 25 plus years of taking care of her that she shouldn’t be root bound as she had only been in this pot for about 3 years. The other option listed was… you guessed it, not enough light. The article said Big Bertha would like to see 4-6 hours of sunlight a day. I would like that as well, another story. But anyway, she got moved and also got a new plate to go under her pot and saucer. She needed the plate because her saucer was not glazed so moisture weeped through onto the shelf she was setting on. The table runner was discarded but thankfully the paint held up and the mess was easily cleaned up.

Big Bertha is now residing on my Uncle’s grandmother’s table on the porch. He was my Uncle (more or less) on both my mother’s side and my father’s side of the family. Uncle Bob was married to my mother’s sister and he was also the brother of my father’s first wife. Big Bertha looks good on the old table.

Hopefully the week brings tolerable weather at least part of every day. It makes walking everyday a little easier. My 5.5 - 8 miles every day takes up 2-1/2 to 3 hours of my day. I usually try to get it done before lunch.

I will admit sometimes I don’t eat until 1:30 or later, oh well. I’m retired. Eat when hungry, sleep when tired etc.

Till next time enjoy your week. Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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