Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Water Pipe

Dan here ~

I’m sure some of you have seen pictures of the pipe going out into the pond and wonder what it’s for. 

Green Pond

No it is not our waste pipe dumping into the pond! We pull our water out of the pond year round and yes the pond is currently frozen.

Green Pond
Our neighbor from up the pond

The line from the house to the pond is buried and sleeved (one pipe inside another). I have long argued that the line would not freeze as long as someone was living here and using a normal supply of water. Just in case, (and because when the line was placed in the pond Carol’s mom was living here alone) I installed a heater cable inside the water line from inside the crawl space of the building out into the pond for 40-50 feet.

Every year up until this one I have run the cable on a time clock having it run a couple hours a day at times when water was less likely to be used in the building. This year I never plugged in the time clock and the heater cable. So far there has been no issues. Like most things, time will tell.

Pulling our water out of the pond means that the water coming out of the faucet is non-potable. Translated, don’t drink it or use it in a pot for cooking. Kind of a pain where you sit but just one of the many joys of living at Green Pond. This means about every 3-4 days, (sometimes less) I load the empty one gallon water jugs into my milk crate and head for the Oxford Safety Building where they have an outside faucet for people to fill their containers to use at home.

Try filling a gallon jug from a outside faucet ~ water goes everywhere. Pain in the summer, royal pain in the winter especially when cold. It was in the teens and the wind howling the other day when I went.

It’s a good thing I used to be a plumber as I made that job much easier. This adapter causes the water to come out in a concentrated flow enabling you to fill the water jugs about 3-4 times faster. 

Can you tell not much happening around here? Been getting ready for the snowstorm that we should be getting as you read this. This meant I walked a little extra yesterday to put a some steps in the bank in case I need to withdraw some in the next few days. I also oiled up the shovel and did a few push ups to get ready to shovel. (honestly, I was just kidding about the push ups)

Rona 11 saw some progress over this past weekend as I sewed with Carol as she was at her Virtual Staytreat. Here are some of the pieces being used to create it. 


I like how it is progressing and the body of it should be done by the weekend. No idea on borders though. On this quilt the design limitation is the lack of one of the fabrics being used. This means the border design will need to be done around this fabric. I may even decide on a plain old one piece border. Hopefully there will be enough of the fabric left to use as the binding, at least.

That’s all for now. Until next time, enjoy and remember…where ever you go, there you are.

1 comment:

  1. Jon Kabat-Zinn, great author of mindfulness. Wherever you go...


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...