Monday, January 4, 2021

My Weekend

Carol here ~

Snow day-sew day! We finally got snow again ~ probably about six or so inches came down on Saturday. 

Memory Lane

We got our walk done in the morning then I spent the afternoon up in the quilting loft working on a wall hanging called BIRDS ON A WIRE. 


I have had this project of Michelle R Hiatt’s Sew On The Go cut out and ready to piece since October. 

The minute I saw this pattern I knew I had to make it and knew right where is was going to hang. 


I got a start on it but didn’t work on it at all yesterday because sistah Terri and I met up with my daughter, Vanessa, to snowshoe up Mt Pisgah in Winthrop ME.


It was a gorgeous day, fresh snow and no wind! 

Vanessa & I

Vanessa and I

I had good intentions but…..I have breathing issues anyway and haven’t been feeling great for several weeks. Come to find out, when I recently had bloodwork to check my thyroid numbers they were completely whacky! As in never before so whacky! My meds have been adjusted but it takes time for them to kick in etc. One of my symptoms is feeling weak and shaky during any type of exertion. Yep, add dizzy to those and that was how I felt.

I was so ticked. Getting old stinks!

Vanessa and I went back down to the car and then to her house, Terri continued to the top then came and picked me up when she got back down.

She got some great photos ~ 



After Terri picked me up we decided to have a short visit with her daughter, Kelsi, so I could meet the newest member of their family. 

Meet Alex Michael, 5 weeks old. He is so snuggly! Big sister Annie Avis was very excited for me to “meet” him!

Great Aunt Carol & Alex

Great Aunt Carol, Alex & Annie

Four of our family members were gifted with snowshoes for Christmas and they all got to try them out yesterday!

Jakob, Vanessa & Kailey

Erin and friend Tina

All in all, a good first weekend of the new year!

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