Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Monday evening. 

I heard tell that today was a holiday, being retired they all kind of are. But happy whatever it was day. 

I spent a portion of the day doing what is rapidly becoming a daily occurrence. Raking the beach. I can now finally get along the right end of the beach because the water has finally gone down enough. Took forever, let’s hope it continues. On September 8, I put a stake in the ground at the water line. We have watched the water recede 18”, then after the rain associated with the hurricane, it came back up to the stake again. It’s gone down again and is about 4’ out from the stake currently. Another 4-6’ would be nice.

Carol took this picture of the fog this morning. 

She also captured this picture of the flowers out front. 

One weather source we follow suggests the possibility of the f word tonight. Get your mind out of the cutter, I meant frost. It easily could have happened earlier, so I’m ok with it. Time to clean that all up until next year.

Well it finally happened, Big Bertha is gone. Big Bertha is the jade plant that I acquired from my Mother who I believe got from her Mother. It has not really been happy since leaving the greenhouse in Rangeley. A sentiment that I fully understood. 

I am trying to start a couple from the discarded segments of the old girl but for the most part the old girl was rotting away. While at it I also tried to transplant another jade plant that was not very happy. It was very waterlogged. I am having a difficult time getting it to stand up in it’s new environment, but I still have hope. I’m thinking I may need to shorten it quite a bit to let it focus on the roots.

We also had another plant that had been given to us by Carol’s sister shortly after we moved in here at the Pond. It was an Aloe plant. For quite a while it was doing great, then it began getting way too tall. I tried staking, but it was really just too big for it’s britches or pot as you will. I separated it and started the pups in another pot and they are doing ok. The main plant, although I planted it in a larger pot, just kept getting taller and looked ugly with a stick attempting to hold it up. I watched a coupled youtube videos about transplanting them and said what to heck, it’s worth a try. 

This is something I used to love doing in the greenhouse. I began stripping off the branches of the too large plant and kept going until I saw a difference in the growth under the leaves. Hard to explain and I did not take pictures, the area under the branches I was removing began to look different. They began to look less like leaves and more like roots. I stopped stripping branches at that point and cut off the plant stem at that change location. I removed a few more leaves/branches so I had enough stem to stand upright in the old pot. I planted that piece and have been babying it ever since. Still trying to find the sweet spot regarding watering. At the same time I cut the stalk off about 5” above the point where it used to be in the old pot. And planted it as well. I have been watching it slowly change. I first noticed small bumps on the side of the stem. 

Then those transformed into the beginnings of new growth. 

I am enjoying watching the new growth arriving on the short stalk above the roots. I first watched the stalk desiccate and wither down about 3/4 of an inch, then rather quickly the new growth, I mentioned, began to take place on the remaining stalk. Both appear to be doing great. I have removed the stick bracing the big plant. I also have begun to slowly rotate the big plant to encourage it to grow up not lean towards the window.

The top #33 for 2023 is complete. Quite a bit different than most of the recent tops. My blocks again came from assembling six inch blocks from old demo units and scraps from the 3-1/2” bin. That part is the same as earlier tops, but this time I assembled my 6” blocks in groups of four with a simple 1” sashing and corner stone. I then added a batik I found in my abundant stash. I just did a square in a square as the cornerstone and let the sashing strip stand on it’s own.

Once I had this part together I found I needed the whole top to be bigger. I decided to break up the batik by adding a 1” border to match the sashing in the blocks. I then wrapped up the top with a final border of the sashing batik fabric. 


Not a favorite but appealing and different than the last. #34 is following a similar idea but I am using a wider sashing in the block to eliminate the need for added borders. Keep it simple, the body of the quilt with one border. I’m not a big fan of adding several borders to increase the size.

The weather is supposed to be pretty nice this week just a little on the chilly side. Can do without any rain for a while and I hope we are still a couple months away from snow. 

Stay safe and enjoy your week, I’ll try.

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