Wednesday, August 23, 2023

A Very Busy Weekend

Carol here ~ 

First of all....

Arrgh!  My Facebook account has been hacked and disabled.  A couple of people have said they sent ID info to FB and a few weeks later they were back in.  I did that but it tells you nothing.  So I know nothing.  So frustrating!

Last Thursday my Florida sister, Tam, and her significant other, John, arrived for a long weekend visit.  Of course it rained all day Friday.

Niece Kelsi and hubby Luke treated us all to a lobster and scallop feed Saturday night.  We just about sat down to eat and this is what the clouds looked like over the pond.

Dan grabbed our umbrella's, luckily we only got sprinkles.

Sunday was the annual 35th Horseshoe Tournament.  I tried to count the number of people here at one point but no one stayed in the same place long enough!  I'm thinking at least fifty.

This was started by my mom, Avis Coolidge.  She was a champion horseshoe pitcher, played against the men and beat them most of the time.  Needless to say, they did not like being beat by a woman and gave her a lot of grief.  

So, she ended up starting her own tourney with friends, relatives and people around the pond participating. 

Can you believe it?  It was a beautiful summer day!

The winners! Dick from up the pond and second cousin Doug.

The best part of the day ~ second cousin Gene arrived by helicopter.  He buzzed us on the way in then landed at the Oxford Airport where his wife picked him up.  When he got ready to go he told us he would give us an ETA of when he would fly over the pond so we could be out front looking for him.  Look how pretty his helicopter is!

As we were all standing out front watching him, he was taking pictures of us.  So cool!

As he came over the end of the pond.  That's us way down at the end.

As he was hovering right out front.  I love how you can see Mud Pond too.

A little closer..

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Grandson Evan had his last work shift last night (7-7) and headed here to get some sleep before he went home to Rangeley. He comes in the back door all excited about seeing some strange bird running down the road that goes by the end of the pond up to the casino.  (Rabbit Valley Rd)  I asked him if he took a picture and he had.  

We laughed so hard! That's not something you see every day. Dan posted the picture on the Oxford Community page and he is now home where he belongs.  He is an Emu and his name is Emanuel.

Well, that's the excitement from the pond, have a good rest of your week!

The Sisters ~ Me, Terri, Tam

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