Wednesday, June 28, 2023

This and That

Carol here ~

Thank you for all your comments on my "feeling crappy" blog post last week.  I am much better, pretty much back to normal, have even been getting my daily walks in between rain showers.  

Ran into this traffic jam up on Route 26 the other day.

The best part was when the ducks got across the road and traffic started moving again everyone was smiling!

This weather!  The humidity is getting to me.  I am a cold bedroom sleeper, have the window open pretty much all year. When we had the construction done here at the pond we told the HVAC company we wanted four units ~ upstairs, kitchen/living room, porch and bedroom.  They talked us out of the bedroom one.  

Anyway, we tried to make it work by making a quilt to go over the doorway to the porch, turning the air out there way down and opening the window between the porch and bedroom.  Better but far from ideal. So yesterday Dan went out to Walmart and bought a window A/C unit for the bedroom so I can sleep.

Lesson learned, stick to your guns.  

Daughter Erin was wanting a table runner to go on her TV table.  I have been wanting to make some placemats.  So loaded some yardage on Lena Longarm to quilt up, enough for both the table runner and placemats, thinking fast and easy.  

I hadn't used Lena in a while so oiled her up, cleaned her wheels, her rails etc.  Loaded a quilt design into her computer and pressed go.  Nothing happened, I kept getting an "needle error" alert.  Fiddled with a couple things, couldn't get her working so decided to shut her down and start over the next day.

Next day I started checking things over and found the problem right away.  See the small round black wheel on the right?

It's suppose to rest on top of the rail like this.

I must of hit it when I was wiping down the machine. Put it back where it belonged and all was fine.  

Got the fabric quilted up and the table runner cut out and the binding on, now just need to hand sew it to the back.

I finished up the binding on Dan's 2023-19.


Only a few days of June left, hoping July brings us some real summer weather.  Fingers crossed....

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...