Friday, June 30, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening. Keeps raining so no fire. It did calm down nice though, a fire tonight sounds like too much work. 

I managed to get the planter I mentioned last time made. I made, painted, set it in place and planted it today.

The day lilies got moved over to the neighbors. 

The cucumber planter is growing nicely, hopefully the sun will shine and help all the plants along. 

The foxglove that hitchhiked down from Rangeley put on a good show this season. 

They are starting to drop blossoms as they begin to go by. 

One of the hybrid Lillies have started to bloom. I forgot to get a picture and it’s dark now so another time. My big lily has three stalks now and has about 25 buds between the whole plant. Fingers crossed they should put on a good show.

There has been an old planter alongside the neighbors as you drive down towards the house. I thought it was much too attractive to not be in use, so I spoke to the neighbors and they liked the idea of moving it to this location in the sun. I filled it and planted it and tonight placed a few Cleome around it. 

I also placed a few Cleome along the fence beside Carol’s car. 

We’ll see. The Cleome were some that had self sown in my big planter. I had removed them and transplanted them into pots and today gave them their summer home. They are very good at self seeding. Unfortunately, they seldom are self sown where I want them. I am pretty good at moving them around and keeping them alive. I do miss my greenhouse. I had a lot of fun in there. It is truly a fact, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.

The current “special” quilt project is coming along very well. No pictures until it has been gifted, so you won’t see it until sometime in August. The blocks are all complete and I have only eight more sashing strip units to fabricate then I will begin the assembly process. I will say that what I decided on was a sampler type quilt made up of five different blocks. All blocks have some type of star within them. I am pleased with the development so far. Anxious to see the final project completed. I know I will be piecing something for the back as well, so I am pleased that I am well ahead of my self imposed schedule.

I certainly hope the July brings better weather than June dumped on us. I am not a lover of the heat but some sunshine would be considered a good thing. I prefer to see some of the flowers dry out a little before watering them. Most do not enjoy spending their time always wet. I don’t blame them. With all the rain I have been watering very little. During a normal summer I would water at least once a day, sometimes twice. Not this year.

Hopefully this weekend brings a little good weather, I haven’t really looked at the forecast. It’s too depressing. 

Enjoy your weekend, I think it’s the weekend of the Fourth. I don’t really know how that works. Is this a four day weekend? Well in my world every day is part of a weekend and most days I have no idea what the “real” day is. Be safe, drive safe and remember there are a lot of crazy people out there and not all of them are as harmless as I am.


  1. What kind of planter did you get? it looks really nice. Hoping for better weather as well, both home and in ME!! Happy July and hi ti Carol :)

    1. Hi Sue, Dan made the planter. Hope all is well with you!


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...