Friday, February 10, 2023


Carol here ~

Well, I guess we are having a hard time keeping track of the quilts Dan has been making.  We thought the two he showed you in Monday's post were not #1 and #2 for 2023 but they really were.  

So here they are again along with 2023-3 "all done".




Here is Lena stitching on #8 in the background while I work on the binding on #3.

Dan just finished piecing #11 so I only have eight more bindings to catch up.  ARRGG!

We had a lovely walk on Mud Pond the other day, walked all the way around.  There was no wind and bright sunshine, love how the sun is starting to get some warmth to it.

The top layer was just crusty enough that we didn't need the snowshoes and could walk with our regular snow boots.

Dan was trying to add feed to the bird feeder but this little guy was not moving!  He just kept munching out on the suet.

We had Bluebirds at the feeder yesterday.  Hope they found some seed they like so they will be back.  Daughter Vanessa has Bluebirds at their feeder regularly. 

Another weekend here again, enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. Sure wish we had blue birds! We are lucky to have 1 pair of cardinals! Happy Day to you both.


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...