Monday, October 17, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Sitting by the fire Sunday evening with Carol. She is reading, I am rambling. It is a beautiful evening and the fire sitting got an early start. We went to Gorham and took Erin and her boys to an early supper. Today was parents day so Erin and Parker went to visit with and see Evan at the University. 

We had a nice meal and visit, got home and fire was keeping us warm before it was even dark. The sunset was quite lovely, pretty pink and the pond was dead calm giving a pretty reflection. 

Great niece and nephew, Annie and Alex, had fun getting rides on the tractor. 

Carol got these nice shots of the beach with all the leaves on it. 

and after we cleaned them up. 

Very quickly all the leaves will be along the edge of the beach in the water when I go to pick them up. The tractor works ok, it is certainly easier for me to last longer than using a wheelbarrow to move all the leaves. The only real problem I’m finding so far, is that the tractor does not like the soft sand at all. Not a real big problem, next to the water is not a problem, I just need to limit the distance I have to travel to get off the beach. Nice little break riding up to dump and back though. If it only wasn’t an almost every day need. Oh well, I spend more time now in the water with boots on, than I spent in the water all summer. Maybe not, as this year I became aware of the volume of weeds constantly trying to spread into the swimming area. So I spent quite a bit of time weeding out the grass that tries to cover everywhere. 

 Oh the things I can find to complain about. As an aside, I just want to mention that it would not hurt my feelings if I never needed the snowblower attachment this winter. I sure hope I can remember and figure out how to make the switch from front loader to the snowblower. I still have a little faith in me at doing this kinda stuff. Not as much as I did in the past but I guess that changes with age also.

I do still enjoy and keep plugging away with my quilt projects. The blocks for the body on the current project are almost ready to lay out. The sashing strips have been decided and some of them have been prepared with corner pops and are ready for assembly. Hopefully I have enough of the sashing strip fabric. I did when I did the math the first time but I have already made a wrong cut. It was not a very wide cut but with fingers crossed I charge on.

I’m too lazy to do the math again. Doing the math is kind of a pain, I have to shut my audio book off because there is no way I can do both. I can’t listen well enough to follow the book and still do the math. Could be another age thing, I find it increasingly easier to blame most things on the changes that aging brings.

I left the fire and went up to the studio to sew. I was able to get the layout complete. 

I also managed to get many more of the sashing strips assembled and trimmed along with the square in a square units for cornerstones. This shows where I am headed. 

The borders are still bouncing around in my head. I have one idea bouncing around up there that seems intriguing but I am in hopes that maybe another idea will come along to overrule the first one.

So enjoy your week, I’ll try.


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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...