Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ 

Tuesday evening, nice evening out by the fire. 

Well, I got my tractor on Monday. Carol took some pictures of it and me out on the beach. 

It worked quite well and once I got the leaves out of the pond, Carol drove the tractor and I filled up the bucket. 

When it was full I drove way up the hill and dumped over the banking well away from the pond. I really think I will enjoy having stronger arms again, even if they are not really mine. Since my collar bone/shoulder incident I have lost a great deal of my upper body strength. More exact, I’ve lost my capacity for being able to keep going. Things hurt, I need to stop. Getting older is not something that the young can begin to comprehend. At least with having a the tractor this time of year means there will be a little less effort needed and I get the ride up the hill to dump the load to relax. There will still be a learning curve changing from one attachment to the other, but hopefully I don’t wreck something figuring it out.

Things have been falling into place around here the last few days. I have a logger now coming to remove some trees. I have had fill delivered to prep for the shed I am attempting to get built. The carpenter showed up and said he can get the first couple of several needed projects complete this fall and if the weather doesn’t get too nasty too early maybe even get the shed built this fall/early winter. That would be only too cool. Time will tell, something is bound to slow the momentum, but hey, it’s fun when things look like they might fall together.

I was looking for some of the fabric I was running out of and found another bag of pieced and trimmed 1-1/2” finished half square triangles. Yup, now I am making some blocks with the many blues I can use as the pinwheel focus block. I think I have enough of the light blue to get the eight more blocks needed to get the top large enough that with an interesting border it will become a quilt top. I honestly have no idea what that might be yet, but I’m sure something will come to me. I’ll just keep assembling the blocks and units I need and go from there.

As I have been looking through the various bins looking for pieces of the fabric I call my limiting factor. Or in other words, this fabric that limits the size of what I can do under the existing format. This is one of the scrap quilts that I would like to revisit in a more constrained color format or at least in larger scrap format. And in the larger pieces using maybe pieces headed for 3” finished pinwheels instead of 1-1/2” finished pinwheels like I used in this quilt top. Larger blocks fewer needed, but alas, in my eyes, less wow. Quicker construction, better Dempsey Center quilts. Next top will be from blocks already created and ready to go. I have quite a few, I just need to get an interesting layout for them. I just got waylaid by all these 1-1/2” finished units. I do like little pieces.

Today was a great day, nice and warm most of the day. It is getting chilly now at almost 10:00 PM. I’m still out by the fire, only 41 degrees now but better than last night was. Not bad sitting by the fire. As they say, one side is warm. No fire last night as it was in the low forties by supper time. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and I hope I have a good day. 

Enjoy the rest of your week, stay safe and remember wherever you go, there you are. You might just as well enjoy that place, you are already there.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...