Friday, September 2, 2022

This Blog

Carol here ~

Happy September! What a change in the weather September 1st brought, almost like a switch has been flipped.  We went for a bike ride earlier in the week where it was too hot to yesterday when I was chilly all day.

Saw these red leaves on our walk yesterday, fall is on it's way.

I have been asked by a couple of people of why we started this blog. So for the the newcomers here....

My grandmother, Lena Cushman, purchased this property in 1934.  Read more about it in the About Us at the top of the blog.  Grammie always kept a journal.  She wrote about the weather, who was visiting, what they were eating (sometimes with recipes) and goings on around the pond.  

My mother was the youngest of eight children, with the oldest of the children twenty years older than her so many of her best friends were also her nieces and nephews.  Sometimes family members wrote in the journal, the only person whose handwriting I recognize is my Uncle Joe's.  He wrote quite often, quite the comic!  Many of the entries were written in pencil so are hard to read now.
There are several entries through the years of winter visits and skating parties, who was there and of course, what they were eating! The camp was summertime only until the late 1980's when my parents turned it into a year round home.

So, Dan and I decided to continue my grandmother's Green Pond tradition of journaling by blogging.  It's mostly for us to keep track and have memories of our life here on the pond but are happy to share with you.

Here is a journal entry from my Grandmother from Labor Day 1942.

Our summer is over
We've had lots of fun
We've played and we've laughed
It hasn't cost none.

We go to our homes
Until another year
We leave no regrets
We won't shed a tear.

When next Spring comes
If we're alive
We'll all come back
Into Green Pond we'll dive.

We thank thee Lord 
For a summer so dear
Keep us well so
We can come back next year.

Have a great weekend everyone!

9/2/22 6:00 AM

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