Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Do you believe that the 4th of of July holiday is over. I hope you had a safe and enjoyable weekend. It was real quiet here at Green Pond but that is how Carol and I like it. The 4th was so windy, there was not much happening on the pond except on the other end which was sheltered from the wind due to the wind direction. 

On Tuesday there was very little wind just lots of clouds. Maine weather always changing. We would keep checking the weather app and the predicted time of the rain just kept getting moved later in the day. Never started raining until after 8:00. I’m glad I did not alter my plans due to the weather forecast.

I finally finished my walk after supper last night, got home just as it started raining. I did reach a milestone of 1100 miles last Friday. 1110 actually. I had a real good 53 mile week. 

The foxglove in the little garden beside the flagpole still have many sections of the bloom that is still hanging on. I’ll try to leave them until the seeds mature. The only problem is that it takes so long and they don’t look like much after going by. They still look nice now though. 

Some of you may remember the septic cover that I painted a quilt block on. It looked great last summer. Unfortunately, the winter did it in. 

Now I’ll need to sand it down and see if I can paint the cover again. No, it will not be painted like a quilt block this time. Nice idea but it will be one color this time. Probably green to blend with the grass around it. Can’t win them all.

Secret sewing project complete and mailed on it’s way. I have been cleaning up fabric scraps if I make it to the studio at all in the evenings. It has been rather nice sitting out by the fire reading until bedtime.

Carol has been hard at it getting the exhibit quilts ready for the show. Most had never been washed so they are being washed and laid flat to dry. Unfortunately, where they are all scraps, many of the quilts have bled and then need one or several soakings in hot water and Dawn dish detergent, rinsed, washed and then laid out on the floor to dry. 

Hope exhibit goes well and does not turn out like the septic cover, a good idea in theory.

I also have been practicing the guitar a little more since not being in the middle of a quilt project. That will probably change some though as I get antsy to get another scrap Dempsey quilt underway.

Thursday our girls and at least some of the grands will be here. With luck it won’t be too windy here on the pond. 

Be safe, enjoy your week and so long until next time.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...