Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~  

It rained on Monday, like we never get lately. It was a nice drenching rain.  It would be be nice to have known that it was coming though, but hey, it seems the weather man didn’t either. It was late in the day so I got my walk in.  

Tuesday was nice, but it was so bloody windy. Hard to enjoy the day with the wind howling like it was. 

Vanessa and her kids came on Tuesday as did Erin. They all went for a swim, Carol included.

I met Erin at Goss Berry Farm to get some blueberries earlier in the day.  Pick your own… OMG.. all kinds of them.  I gave some to Vanessa and am looking for recipes so I can go back and pick some more. I haven’t found the recipe I’m looking for yet, most of what I have found so far included bananas.  I am not a fan of bananas. I’ll keep looking.

It calmed down for a fire in the evening 

I could show you most any of my fire pictures.  They all look about the same, a picture of a fire. Even though they look the same I still sit out beside it every evening possible.  No sunset last night though, sometimes there is, sometimes there is not.  Last night, there is not.

I saw an animal on my walk the other day that surprised me.  I have spent a lot of time walking around on the paths and roads around here and have never seen what I saw.  I saw a rabbit.  I don’t ever remember seeing a rabbit around here. I got a picture from a ways away while it was doing it’s “You can't see me because I’m not moving routine."

After doing that routine for a while it hopped up into the woods. Always wondered why there were not more rabbits around here. The dirt road I walk on connects to Rabbit Valley Rd. It always seemed to me it that it  made sense that there might be rabbits around here somewhere or else why did they call it that.  

Enjoy your week, next week is Maine Quilts. I will be in Augusta for most of the show. Stop by my exhibit and say hi. See you there and stay cool this week. 

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...