Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Tuesday evening sitting out by the fire. Beautiful sunset (as are a great many here on the pond) it almost looks like I am back in the mountains as I observe the clouds and their reflection in the pond. 

Was surprised to get a fire this evening as the forecast for earlier was for major storms. We obtained some needed rain but little else. That is ok though, I don’t like damaging storms.

The planter with it’s cucumbers and cleome and tomatoes are growing great.

I am still waiting on some edible results. It looks like the first harvest may just be from one of the summer squash I snuck into the mess. As I said before if the cucumbers start developing into harvestable produce we will have more than we know what to to with. Still waiting to see when that just might happen though. I picked two of the yellow tomatoes and Carol tried one. From the look on her face, they may not have been quite ripe yet. Hopefully they get better.

Since the secret sewing project is complete I am back to using up scraps and creating blocks to be used in our Dempsey Center scrap quilts. I am currently using up some 1-1/2” squares and strips and am making four patch units that will be squared to 1-1/2” finished four patch units. I don’t really know what I will do with them just yet. It depends on how many multiples of duplicates I seem to get. I may see 36 unit 6” finished blocks with various different color combinations thrown in. I could always throw in some scrap V-block stars into some of the blocks as well. The possibilities are endless. As are the scraps.

I am counting down the days until Maine Quilts. It won’t be long until my exhibit will be hanging at the show. I still haven’t accepted that it is only two weeks away. I hope it all goes smoothly but only time will tell.

We have been treated to seeing a muskrat swimming around feeding in front of the house. Saw it again this am and snapped his picture. 

He seems to enjoy the weeds that I try to pull out. I like the little bugger, we have the same goals. Over the weekend someone at the neighbors saw it and thought it would be a good idea to go try and catch it. I told him it was a muskrat and had sharp teeth and did not like to be pestered. He decided to leave the little bugger alone. That worked for me, I just wanted him to leave the little guy alone and let keep eating the weeds I didn’t want.

I have sad news. I think Bob has disappeared. I don’t want to start rumors, but I think that there is a good chance someone removed him from the pond. The only other possibility is that Bob drowned. He seemed pretty airy the last time that I saw him, and he bobbed quite well. He could be hiding somewhere, but I have kayaked around the pond two times looking wicked hard and have not seen any sign of the poor little guy. I’ll let you know if I find him but I don’t hold out hope.

I guess that’s all I got. Maybe someday, something really cool will happen here. If it does I’ll tell you all about it. Probably won’t really be that cool anyway but if its anything at all I can still talk about it. Keep your fingers crossed it happens soon. Until then.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...