Monday, June 6, 2022

Kailey's Birthday

Carol here ~

We went to Lucas and Vanessa's yesterday to celebrate Kailey's birthday.  Vanessa is an awesome baker.  This is the cake she made, it's called Stroopwafel Cake.

Oh my!  It was sinfully delicious!

We contributed towards Kailey's gift ~ a bass guitar.  She has wanted one for a long time.  Lessons are already scheduled.

Bumpa is helping her tune it.

Today is her official birthday.  She will be celebrating with friends as it is an early release school day.  Vanessa is hoping they will finish off the cake.

We also stopped in to Longfellows Greenhouse in Manchester as Dan wanted to pick up a few more flowers.  I had not been there before, that place is massive!  Don't know how we got out of there with only a few things.

We were home in time for a walk around the pond before supper, then an early bedtime as we were both pooped.  

Looks like a nice day coming our way ~ enjoy!

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Dan's Ramblings

 Dan here ~ Was out by the fire as it was a very nice evening. I had my doubts but the wind calmed down quite nicely.  I find it very hard ...