Friday, June 17, 2022

Got Pollen?

Carol here ~

News Center Maine Facebook post the other day:

Forecast today: Sunny with a 100% chance of a pollen storm in Maine.

Wowsers!  It has been bad.  This is a photo of the pond, you can see the pollen in the air at the other end.

This is what the water out front has been looking like the last few days.

Yuck. Both Dan and I are taking allergy meds and we're still all stuffed up.

There has been no out front on the patio binding this week and no windows open.

I do think it hasn't been quite as bad the last couple of days as it was last weekend and the first part of this week.  We had a couple short lived downpours so that must of helped rid the trees of some of the pollen.

Earlier this spring we purchased an inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board, mostly got it for the grandkids.  It's still in the box it came in, I'm thinking it's getting time to get it out and inflated as school is out for our grands so they should be coming to visit soon. I might even give it a try now the water has warmed up as I'm sure I will wipe out and end up in the pond while getting the hang of it. Now that would be the picture to get! HA!

It's been very quiet around the pond, that should be changing soon.  Relatives are renting the camp next door next week so there will be comings and goings over there.

I forget to get a picture of Evan's Graduation Quilt when it was finished.  It was too pollen-y to lay it out on the patio, then I completely spaced it.  Here is a picture of him with it last Saturday.

I should of included a lint brush with it as black shows every little piece of lint or dog hair.

No plans for the weekend, Erin and Evan *might* be coming down, temperatures are suppose to be on the cool side and windy.  

Have a good one!

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Dan's Ramblings

 Dan here ~ Was out by the fire as it was a very nice evening. I had my doubts but the wind calmed down quite nicely.  I find it very hard ...