Friday, May 13, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

What a nice day yesterday was, dare I say it, almost too hot. I guess we have more coming. Time for it anyway. Will need to walk earlier in the day before it warms up too much.

We had a visitor the other day, an otter came to visit. I think it wanted to cross over to Mud Pond but the beach it had to cross smelt too much like the neighbor’s dog. Pretty animal, fun to watch.

Saw a mink pass through the yard the other day as well. Unfortunately, no pictures of the mink. Early mornings we have a Loon out swimming around and fishing. As more people show up to use their camps I’m sure some of these sightings will disappear until fall.

The Hunter Star I showed you last time has not progressed much. I did decide that I am going to add two more rows on the side and two along the bottom and finish it that way. I should be able to find enough similar fabrics to pull it off.

Camp fires bite into my sewing time this time of year. 

I have been cutting wood and building more of my round wood piles. I have a friend out on the main road that had a messy pile of trees that power company tree trimmers left for her in the woods by her house. I offered to cut and haul out some of it to use in my camp fires. She was tickled. It is soft wood but works great for my purposes. Here is my latest pile. 

I even added a guard to keep out the riffraff. I will need to plan the next location for another pile. But if it stays this warm I’ll probably spend time doing something else. When I figure out what that something will be I’ll let you know. 

I’ll be switching over the heat pump from heat to cooling before long, once that happens there are no more excuses that it is too hot up in the studio. It just doesn’t seem right to spend time up there when it’s nice outside. No black flies up in the studio anyway. They sure have been thick up at the woodpile. If too many tried at the same time they’d probably be able to haul my bony butt off. Sometimes it feels like they are sure trying.

Should be nice weather the next couple days then maybe a little rain. We could sure use the rain, the woods are getting dry already and the summer heat is not here yet. Enjoy whatever you get for weather, I will.

Stay safe, ’til next time, Dan signing off.

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