Friday, April 22, 2022

This and That

Carol here ~

Jakob got to try out his remote controlled speedboat the other day.  That thing moves!  And the battery lasts a long time, think he wore out before the battery did.

We decided to get a new picnic table.  This was our old one.  

Wooden, very heavy and needing a coat of paint every year of two.  I painted it last, nope, not happening again.  Plus every time Dan mows it has to be moved.  Did I mention it was heavy? 

We asked a young couple up the pond if they would like it and they said yes.  They came to get it the other day.  Fit perfectly in the back of their pickup truck. I'm just happy someone can use it, it does have a lot of life left in it.  

This is our new table, should be here today.

It will be easier to keep clean and best of all, no painting!  

I finished up the Yellow Brick Road quilt and got it loaded onto Lena yesterday.  That is as far as I got.  Have had a ho-hum week, been really tired so haven't gotten a lot accomplished.  Hoping to get it quilted today.

No plans for the weekend, just how I like it ~ have a good one!

1 comment:

This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...