Monday, March 28, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Mud season, not a whole lot going on around here. Watching the snow and ice melt is much like watching grass grow or paint dry. Some days not a whole lot happens. The water is slowly rising, we can gauge it as it slowly moves under the swim float. Not real exciting but it is part of my day.

As usual walking takes up a portion of my day. Last week I broke the 500 mile mark for this year. It gets monotonous walking up and down the same road over and over. That may change a little now that I no longer need to wear my ice grippers. Hopefully I can safely store them away for the season. I’ll hold on to my hat and gloves as I think that I’ll need them this week. Especially if I find an opportunity to get a hair cut. That always makes me cold. Carol and I did see a beaver sleeping on his roof the other day. I guess, like us, he was enjoying the sun.

Someone is real lucky and quite probably doesn’t even know it yet. Sunday on my walk, I saw where a quite large Eastern white pine had twisted about 10’ up the trunk and fallen not on the camp but away from the camp. 

It landed beside an out building that stored bikes and toys. The camp is summer only and I don’t think used very often. They were quite lucky.

The woods are awakening from the starkness of winter. Green shoots are slowly appearing as the white of the snow melts away, slowly blending with the brown of past years life, slowly rotting into the ground. Soon all the snow will be gone from the woods and the leaves will make the woods seem larger and the road smaller as my vision into it becomes obscured with leaves. Not quite yet but before long I will be able to see less and less as I look into the woods. Much like the old saying of “I can’t see the forest through the trees”.

I’m still cleaning up fabric and trimming and completing partial units and blocks. The bins of organized pieces now greatly overshadow the bins of anarchy. Ideas are formulating but not much sewing yet. I have been making four patch units from all those narrow strips I found in the scrap bins. I’m sewing random, like width, strips together then cutting apart and reassembling them into four patch units. I now have a growing assortment of 1”, 1-1/2”, 2”, 2-1/2” and 3” finished four patch units ready to go. That is what I worked on Sunday during a zoom sew with a group of male quilters from a facebook page I belong to called Men who Quilt. It gave me something to do as I chatted with them. Interesting group.

Hopefully the weather is not too nasty this week, enjoy it anyway, I will. Be safe, see you next time.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ Thursday evening. There were times today it snowed quite hard, real big flakes. We obtained about 5 inches that required reloca...