Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here.

I finished the baby quilt top. 

I am now between projects again. Maybe this is the problem with not working on 3 or 4 projects at the same time. Face it, what are the odds they would be at the same stage, so you could just jump back and forth between them. No thank you. One at a time for me. Often I will have a new project in my head before I finish my current one. But seldom do I start a new project before finishing the old. Today that usually even means cutting the binding as well.

I see several “orphan” block quilts in my future. I have been saving them from the various scrap bins I have been bringing home. The other day I brought home the last bin (I think) of the scraps. In this bin, along with lots of little pieces and various width strips, are a great many pieced squares. 

Squares that for one reason or another did not make the cut and get sewn into a quilt top. Some were made as samples and for demonstration purposes. Some of the squares were the various units I created and used to demonstrate Studio 180 tools at shows and teaching events. That’s right, I saved them. Now to figure out some way to get groups of them to play together. Not only to play together but hopefully even to look good as well.

I have found units left over from several show quilts. Several of Carol’s unfinished guild projects, blocks Carol or I made to try something or test a color combination. For whatever reason they did not work in whatever they were created for, somehow I want to find ways to make the orphans “fit” and work like a family. I can’t wait to see what I come up with.

The rest of the week is supposed to be warm, but maybe rainy. I’ll take it. I walked Tuesday on a camp road I had not been on in a while and I was quite pleased to see it looking like Spring. 

I find it odd that I am so ready for spring, in Rangeley spring is still at least a month away.

Enjoy your week!

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Dan's Ramblings

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