Monday, March 14, 2022

Bindings and Sleeves

Carol here ~

I’m all caught up with the bindings on the quilts that are to be in a special exhibit at Maine Quilts this summer. If you missed that post you can read about it here.

Here are the last two, both of them with many flying geese.

I started the quilting on Dan’s latest, Morning Star 2. I chose the pattern FIELDS OF DREAMS by Urban Elementz.

Really like how this one is stitching out on the quilt. 

Also, some fun fabrics in this quilt!

It will be a while before I get to the binding on the two Morning Star quilts because….

(Insert HUGE eye roll)

All of the Rona quilts that were finished before April of last year do not have sleeves on them. I never gave it a thought that they might be hanging somewhere. 

So, now I am sewing sleeves on to the back of 14 quilts, actually 13 now as I got one done yesterday.

If you need me you know where to find me!

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Dan's Ramblings

 Dan here ~ Was out by the fire as it was a very nice evening. I had my doubts but the wind calmed down quite nicely.  I find it very hard ...