Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A Visitor and Fall Foliage

Carol here ~

Monday afternoon my friend Wendy came for a visit. She brought me this gorgeous floral arrangement.

Wendy and I don’t see each other too often but she is one of those friends that it doesn’t matter ~ when we do see each other we just pick up where we left off like we saw each other yesterday.

I was thinking the last time I saw her was in May 2019 when she and hubby Wayne helped us move Lena up into the loft here at the pond.

Then I remembered I saw her, her sister Karon and mother Doris briefly at the Maine Quilt Show in July of 2019. So, it’s been a while! Damn Covid.

We had a wonderful visit!

After Wendy headed for home we decided to go for a kayak ride as there wasn’t a ripple on the pond. We have started to get some color here, it’s a bit later than last year.

Yesterday we went to Rangeley. The boys had a home soccer game and we figured the foliage would be just about peak up in the mountains.

I’m just going to do a photo dump of our day ~ enjoy!

From the Height of Land/Mooselookmeguntic Lake.

From Noyes Overlook/Rangeley Lake.

At the game.

Back side of Parker ~ #10

Evan and Parker

Height of Land on our way home.

If you were thinking of taking a Leaf Peeping road trip to Rangeley, now is the time ~ the foliage is gorgeous!

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Dan's Ramblings

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