Friday, August 6, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, was a rainy afternoon but cleared nicely after supper. I dried off my chair and table and got a fire lit then it clouded in black as can be again. I hope I don’t get rained out real quick. So at least for now coming to you from the fire. 

We have pulled three dead big sucker fish, with their round mouths, out of the pond. We have also had a couple bass float up to shore. I won’t do pictures. We know that there are big snapping turtles in the pond. We see them fairly regularly as they come up for air and to sniff around. Each time when I left the fish at the water’s edge, the snappy would sniff it out before the evening was over. Tonight I found another sucker about 16” - 18” long. I have been trying to keep an eye on it, missed Mr. Snappy when he was close to shore. I did see where he dragged the fish out into deeper water and was slowly devouring it. And then it was gone. I thought it was cool but maybe that’s a guy thing.

Speaking of then it was gone ~ my beautiful lily of last week is hanging on by only the remaining 3 blooms. Was a beauty this year.

We have had more visitors since Carol talked to you. We had a couple of big loons hanging around fishing. They sure are pretty. Used to hear them all the time in Rangeley. 

I put the framing border and the piano key border on Fairy Stars. I had a bit of a challenge in making the cornerstones for the piano key border. To fit with the border I wanted a four inch finished pink star, much like I used in the body of the top. Problem was, that meant my split rects units needed to be 3/4” x 1-1/2” finished. The tool doesn’t have lines for that size. Oh well, I didn’t let that stop me, just slowed me down briefly. Looked at tool and saw that lines could be easily added to the Invisigrip on the back to make the needed size and trim it perfectly. Worked fine, top complete, I will cut the binding when I go inside.

Before I start a new project (no idea what yet), I need to do a fair amount of cleaning up. There is a lot of fabric pieces that needs to be processed.

In our world, processing scraps means cutting it into squares, strips or rectangles of various sizes, then putting them into the correct containers. This is psychologically troubling to me. The trend I have been involved in since 2018 is to see how much of the scraps from the containers I can use up. Processing fabric, cleaning up, adds to the container stash that I am trying to eliminate. See why it is troubling to me? It has got to be done though, my station is getting very cluttered.  I heard someone say so and I knew it wasn’t me even though I recognized the voice ~ it was Carol. Guess I better get to it.

Enjoy Friday and the weekend, have fun, stay safe and wear your mask, I will. Summer is going by too quickly to let a good day sneak by so I may need to go find veggies on the trike.

Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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