Monday, July 12, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, Sunday evening by the fire. Almost need to call this Dan’s Ramblings by the Fire. 

Carol tired and in bed early. Just lit the fire and am sitting facing the pond which is clear as glass. It is a very calm, cloudy, warm summer evening. No sounds but the ringing in my ears. Tonights ring sounds like the peepers in the spring. Probably why I don’t hear the peepers in the spring until they are quite loud.

Today I did something I have not done in a while, I cleaned up the tricycle and went for a ride. 

Had a very nice ride into Pownal and Durham, around Lake Auburn, down Perkins Ridge and out Empire Rd. Only had to pull out phone and GPS one time. I don’t think I ever spent much time traveling some of those roads. 

I was looking for some fresh veggies and some steak for supper. Took two stores before I found the piece of tenderloin that went onto the grill along with some fresh string beans and baked potatoes. Store bought beans, but local nonetheless. The farm stand I did go to said they are in hopes to start picking beans this week. If only the blueberries would get ready, life would be great. Carol loves her blueberries, as do I. Supper was a success and tasted great. I wish Carol’s appetite was better, she liked what she ate but did not eat much.

It is still really quiet out here. I think I just heard a chipmunk with the hiccups. The chipmunks almost run right over your feet. They are everywhere. Right now there are two robins looking around for a late evening snack. Hope they are successful. Late evening for them, because like Carol they are early to bed and early to rise. It is still at least half hour before dark. A little background noise of the neighbor’s air conditioner is the only sound to be heard, life is good.

That is what I thought last night until it got to be about 9:30, then the renters up the pond started setting off fireworks. Certainly woke up anyone that had gone to bed and destroyed the silence for every one else. Can you tell I’m not a fan of private fireworks? I haven’t seen any statistics on how many people are now waving with fewer than five fingers on each hand after this past 4th of July. At least rotary cutter accidents usually don’t remove appendages. Seems like quilting is a much safer way to spend your time than letting off fireworks.

Talking about quilting, I can see why I waited until I had gotten quite a ways into the current project before I showed you folks any of it. I only quilt now on rainy days or windy evenings. Otherwise I’m living or walking or taking Carol somewhere. I sewed for about 5 hours the other night and although I made a lot of units, I only made about 6 blocks. Putting this many together and then looking at the layout on the floor reminded me that if I’m not crazy yet, I soon will be. (no offense to any crazy people reading this, if the truth were to be told I’m sure there are many who would say that my crazy boat left port a long time ago ). There is a lot of sewing needing to happen before I bother mentioning this project again. I’ll need to find something else to ramble about.

I talk to the tomatoes on a daily basis and still no red tomatoes for Carol’s lunch. Soon though. Hopefully, the cucumbers will begin producing something as well. 

Time to let you go so I can enjoy my fire and listen to my book. Enjoy the beginning of your week. Hopefully Carol will have something to talk to you all about next time. Otherwise, you’re stuck with me rambling by the fire.

Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.


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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...