Thursday, June 10, 2021

This and That

Carol here ~

I missed my blog post yesterday so you are getting it today. I was slow moving yesterday morn plus we had to leave fairly early to get to my Chemo/Oncologist appointment. Bloodwork results still good.

My surgery last week eliminated my intense spine pain (just a bit stiff and sore) but my supporting muscles did not get the pain free memo. I had a rough weekend. I ached all over. When I went for my PT appointment on Monday the therapist said I had some very “angry” muscles. Yep, they’ve been screaming at me ~ but a little less screaming every day. She gave me a handful of exercises I can do sitting down that will help with core strength and lower back strength. She also massaged part way down my back on either side of my spine. Ahhhhhh, that felt wonderful. She didn’t do my lower back as I still had some bruising going on and she didn’t want to rile things up. I have another appointment this morning so hoping she repeats that spine massage.

I had visitors last week. Some of the gals from my Rangeley Coffee Klatsch came for a visit. 

L-R Nancy, Deb, Jackie, Me

We met every weekday morning for walk/coffee/breakfast and the days news for years and years. It was great catching up with them and getting some of the Rangeley news.

And they brought lunch! Deb brought quiche, Jackie brought salad and Nancy brought dessert. I haven’t had much of an appetite lately but it all tasted pretty darn good.

Oh my! The pollen and needles from the pine trees are really thick this year. Everything is covered in that thick yellow pollen dust. No sense in trying to keep things clean until pollen season is over. I’m so thankful we have A/C so we can keep the doors and windows closed.

Dan took this photo last night of the sunset. I have been missing them as I am pooped and ready for bed by 7:30.

Have a good weekend, I'll be back next week!


  1. Glad to see you are doing better each day and it is always fun to have visitors especially after rough weeks!! What cancer are you dealing with? I hope that goes ok as well. 20 yrs this summer I went through radiation and have been free for 15 yrs. Hard to believe it was that long ago!!Chet has bee at the cabin twice, coming home today and will head back up Sun or Mon. I can't get there until the end of the month and then only for a few days. Then not again until the 10th of July. After that hopefully it will be a bit more regular! Will miss coming into the store to see you both! Again speedy recovery!

  2. Hi Sue, See my post from May 21

    Hoping you get to camp, it's good for the soul. Thanks for the well wishes.

  3. I guess I missed this one as I always read the "journals"! I'm so sorry you have been going through this all. I've known over the years that you had different health situations but had no idea to what extent they were. You have always had a positive outlook on life and you will handle it with grace as you have shown us all! Hugs to you , Dan and family. So glad they are all close by for you to enjoy! Enjoy that beautiful place you have with all the things you like to do. :) sue


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...