Friday, June 4, 2021

Surgery Update

Carol here ~

Yesterday was the day for my back surgery. They actually did a kyphoplasty instead of vertebroplasty. I think the difference is with a kyphoplasty a thin tube with a ballon tip is guided into the vertebra, then the balloon is inflated to create a cavity in which the liquid bone cement is injected. The balloon is then removed and the cement is injected.

It worked! Went to sleep in with back pain, woke up with pretty much none! It feels really weird to be walking about without my wheelie! (Dan nicknamed me Wheels) The wheelie was my mom’s. She had two of them. We donated one to the Assisted Living Home she was at when she passed and we kept the other one. Thank goodness! I couldn’t have gotten around these last few weeks without it.

I’m a bit sore/stiff this morning in my lower back/hip area. Got the ice pack on it so hoping it loosens up as I move around more ~ suppose to get up and move about every hour.

And I slept in the bed last night ~ first time in weeks! Don’t know if Dan took advantage of it and got some sewing done or not, he was still out by the fire when I went to bed.

Here we are yesterday morning when we arrived at the hospital. Me with my poofy steriod cheeks and my mother’s eyes. You could always tell when my mom wasn’t feeling well by looking at her eyes (even thought she always tried to hide it LOL), my eyes are the same. Hoping they get some sparkle back in them soon!

Vanessa met up with Dan while I was in surgery. They went to breakfast and had a nice visit then I guess Dan got a few steps in, napped and read in the car the rest of the time.

My Chemo/Oncology appointment on Wednesday was also good. Doc very pleased with the results of my blood work.

So, all in all, a good week!

Thank you for your continued prayers, positive thoughts and kind messages. They ARE working!



  1. Carol, how great to hear things are swinging in a positive direction for you. I hope this trend continues. Always hoping for the best for you and Dan. Keep on taking care...

  2. So glad to hear your surgery was a success. I’m sure Dan is an amazing nurse. Send hugs

  3. so happy to hear you are doing better, you are at the perfect place to rest pull out the outdoor chaise and watch the loons

  4. Whee! What great news on all fronts. It's amazing that you can be moving around so freely almost immediately! Keep the positive progress going :). Hi Dan and thanks for being such a good hubby :)

  5. Carol, such good news and such an uplifting post. I love your cheeks. Yes, your eyes are an open book. Hopefully your usual sparkle will be back soon. Also a little mischief in them at times. You are loved. We at the RCC will continue prayers for you.

  6. So pleased for you. Been thinking about you a lot, dear friend. Hope the days to come are so much better for you. Will keep praying. Behave and get better.

  7. Glad to hear this news. Prayers will continue!

  8. Yeah! Sounds like things are moving along...I put 2 bindings on this am with Threads Galore fans, thinking of you!


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...