Friday, June 25, 2021

Mostly Good News

Carol here ~

We had another early Wednesday morning in Topsham this week, didn’t get my blog post out so figured I’d just wait until today.

The good news is my red blood count and my white blood count are still good. The better news is the result of my monthly check on my myeloma markers ~ they have decreased over 50% in one month of treatment. Doc says I’m well on my way to remission! Yippee! He said he started my treatment fairly aggressively and that I am responding well to it. Let’s git-r-done!

The not so good news is I hurt my ribs/side. No idea how, I have been so careful. The PT thinks it is the muscles along side my lower ribs. Of course, I am babying it which is throwing the rest of my back off. Fingers crossed I didn’t do anything to my spine. I have one more week before my follow up with the spine surgeon.

So, two steps forward, one back.

Dan has been randomly throwing a line in the pond from the beach. He usually has a bass on the end of it in less than three minutes.

Here he is the other night releasing one back into the pond with great-niece Annie supervising. She doesn’t miss much.

Photo by Terri

The daughters are coming for a visit today. Kailey and Jakob have been bugging their mother for a Green Pond swim. Hoping it’s warm enough.

The following two quilts popped up in my Facebook memories this week. They were designed and pieced by Dan and free motion quilted by me. They both won ribbons at Vermont Quilt Festival. They were quilted with my Gammill Longarm before I traded it for Lena, my Innova Longarm.

"Always A Way"
Best Machine Quilting, 1st Place Ribbon at Vermont Quilt Festival

"Lotsa Lemoynes"
1st Place Ribbon at Vermont Quilt Festival

They also won ribbons at other shows but all our paperwork and ribbons are in our storage unit so not sure which quilt won what.

Can't believe it's Friday again already!  Have a good weekend, more hot and humid weather coming next week!

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...