Monday, June 28, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, coming to you from the fireplace Sunday evening. It’s just about dark, beautiful sunset, 


balls are glowing.

Life is good. How was your weekend?

Not really much happening here at the pond. Vanessa and her kids and Erin were here last Friday. Nice visit, cloudy and chilly so not much swimming happened.

Erin and I kayaked around the pond several times Friday and Saturday as she stayed over. That was good and bad. Good she came, bad as I had a bunch of squares on the design wall. Our design wall is on the back of the Murphy bed she slept on. You guessed it, to be on the safe side I popped them all off and will lay it out again when I get the chance to sew again.

This is what the upper left corner looks like. 

Don’t know if I am as crazy about the design now as I was when working on it earlier. Probably why I don’t usually pull off from a project and start another, which I did, if you remember.

I made what I am calling the door quilt. It is still hanging over the rails on Lena the Longarm, waiting for Carol to feel a little better. It will hang in the doorway to trap the cold air from the HVAC and keep it on the porch, so I can then pull it into the bedroom with a fan. Odd system but it appears to be working. The recliner quilt I made as Rona 1 is about the same size and is being used tonight to try it out. It appears to be working. I have a good idea the Door Quilt will double as a recliner quilt as it is a perfect size.

I keep thinking that it’s bound to stay windy or rain some evening so I will go inside and sew instead of sitting by the fire and feeding the mosquitoes and reading. I can’t really complain though, most nights the bugs don’t bother me. I enjoy reading. As I said earlier, life is good. Hopefully Carol will be feeling better soon and can say the same thing.

Try and stay cool during the next few days. I may have to go in and sew where it is cool during the days. We’ll see. Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...