Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Dan here.

I write this Tuesday evening sitting with Carol beside the fire ~ listening and laughing as the bull frogs croak over on Mud Pond. There are several of them over there. 

Photo by Erin

The peepers cry rises and falls depending on how many have chimed in but always present in the background. The tree toads and frogs take turns adding their reverberations to the ballad. The train whistle blows it’s mournful cry and the rumble of the train cars sounds like we should get out of it’s way. But nothing to worry about, it’s just another evening sitting by the fire.

Turn up the volume!

Spring grows, and Mother Nature continues to show us more of her bounty with the return of the variety of forest plants. As I walk, I am always looking for that something out of place or maybe I just never noticed it before. Today I noticed my first Lady Slipper of the season, should be opening up soon. Hopefully there will be an abundance like last season.

Lady Slipper

I have noticed these of late, I don’t know the names of them. They were pretty even without a label. 

Today when I came back to the house after picking up some dirt for our window boxes, I noticed a crow swoop down at something on the ground over in the woods. That seemed odd so I stopped and saw another crow come swooping down and attack a small animal on the ground. I ran over to see if I could interfere, or at the least see what was happening and maybe get a picture. I get closer and see that the animal is a tiny deer. Each time the crow would sweep down the deer would cry out. I stood and talked to the deer and peered through the woods trying to locate Momma. I saw no trace of Momma deer. Not that I would expect to. The foliage has filled in and seeing much in the woods is difficult. The deer calmed down and did not appear that afraid of me and stood and looked at me as I talked to it. My presence served double duty as it scared off the two crows that had been harassing the poor thing.

Until next time.... remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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