Monday, April 26, 2021

I'm Still Alive

Carol here ~

Just a short post so you all know I'm still alive...

This past Friday, Vanessa, Kailey and Jakob came for a visit. While they were here, Erin, Evan and Parker stopped by on their way to Portland. The last time all four grands were together was at our garage Christmas at Vanessa’s house. It was great to see them all. Before they left we had sister Terri snap a photo of us all. The wind was howling but why am I the only one with messy hair?

L-R Parker, Evan, Erin, Dan, Carol, Vanessa, Jakob, Kailey

Thank you to all of you that have sent well wishes on my back situation. It is slowly improving but I still can’t do much. I’m bored. And impatient. This is my new favorite mug…..I’m almost at the hissie fit stage.

I have been spending most of my time in this little corner. The Canadian Glider is the only chair I can sit in that doesn’t hurt my back. I have it situated so I can look out over the pond.

The wind has been relentless. It has blown so hard that it has tilted our hummingbird whirligig.

More debris accumulated on the beach. I supervised from my chair while Dan did clean up on Saturday.

I'm going to try to work on a binding today and see how that goes.  

Until next time....


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...