Friday, March 5, 2021

Blowin' In The Wind

Dan here ~

This has been a cold week. There were days last week that the camp road was muddy and special attention was needed when a vehicle went by or else you would get splashed as they drove past. The last several days have brought us back into the frigid cold of winter. Vehicles approaching make a racket as their tires crunch the ice in the road. 

Yesterday was Thursday which meant that another week of walking is in the books.  This is this week’s stats.


This week brought my total miles for the year to 451.3 miles. I have accumulated just over 100 miles “in the bank” or put another way, I am just over 100 miles ahead of schedule. This means that if I wanted to I could refrain from walking for a little over 2.5 weeks and still be on schedule. Not too shabby, sure takes up a lot of my day though. Guess I really have little else to do so I’ll keep plugging along, supposed to be good for you, isn’t it?

It has been incredibly windy lately. One of the things I struggle with living on the water, is no trees in front of us. This means it gets windy. Took this Thursday evening, over 10 mph winds.

I have seen several wind displays in the high teens lately. A couple of times upstairs sewing and listening to the wind I thought I was headed for Munchkin Land. The whole house felt like it was being lifted off it’s foundation.

While walking along the camp road the wind sounds like a jet plane flying just above the tree tops. There is one section of the road I call Creaky Alley. There are many dead and fallen over trees that groan and cry in the wind ~ always wondering when the next wind gust is strong enough to break off another dead tree. There are a great many of them there. Much like playing Russian roulette. I just walk along and pick up the branches that have already fallen into the road never knowing if another is currently headed to make my acquaintance. Been lucky so far.

Carol and I were joking on our walk the other day, just after it snowed, about the big clumps of snow that were falling out of the trees as the sun warmed them enough to make them head for the ground. Many times we would comment about the clump that went down one of our necks as we walked along. I like to think the tree is actually hucking them at us to see if they can hit us. (remember I’m a little weird)

I had to shut up the propane tank yesterday. It was being loud and annoying. Wind problem. When the wind is howling from off of Green Pond it would cause the propane cover to rattle up and down, and up and down incessantly. If the wind gust was strong enough it would blow the cover open with a bang against the house. I needed to wire the cover closed. so I drilled a hole in the metal cover and inserted a wire and cinched it up tight through a hole in the tank reinforcement.

Problem solved, temporarily at least. I’ll make it prettier when the wind isn’t howling and it is a little warmer.

Rona 13 is starting to pull together, 4 rows out of 6 are sewn together, only as rows still at this point but coming along nicely. Should be done for next week. 

Scrap Quilts

Rona 14 is pretty much mapped out in my head. Much like several of the recent tops, 15 will start with leftover 9-Patch blocks that I found in a storage bin. These are from a quilt Carol says our youngest daughter Erin had started many years ago. Many 9-patch units were found and I have located some fairly large scraps that I can put with them to hopefully create something interesting. 

Scrap Quilts

Till next time enjoy your weekend. Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.


  1. I love how your mind works, Dan!! :) Have a happy day :)

  2. I felt the wind chill as I read your story. Chin up, next week looks downright balmy.

  3. I felt the wind chill as I read your story. Chin up, next week looks downright balmy.


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...