Monday, January 18, 2021

Design Walls

Dan here ~

Saturday was a lousy day. I don’t know about where you call home, but what I am used to is not 35 degrees and rain all day in mid-January. What we had, we survived it, lost power for a few minutes. No problem, generator kicked in just like it was supposed to. Good thing too as I was cooking supper.

Lets just say Saturday was a withdrawal day with my walking as it was too wet and slippery to get more than my barest minimum of steps which is 5000. Most of them were obtained wandering around the kitchen island. Only problem is, if I go around too fast I get dizzy. Enough rambling.

Carol wanted me to talk about the design walls that we use here in our quilting loft. We have very little space, so we like things to do more than one function.

We seldom have overnight guests so a second bedroom is unnecessary and just takes up too much space. Hence the use of the built in Murphy beds that we can pull down when needed.

Grands Kailey & Jakob 2/2020

When they are in the closed position the two beds give us two surfaces that are large enough that they became our design walls.

Quilting Loft

I used two sheets of 4 x 8 x 1” thick foam insulation board. I always use the foam board with the foil facing on it for my design walls ~ both my stationary and portable ones. Pins seem to go in better and I think they are more durable than ones made of the blue styrofoam.

I cut them to fit the bottoms of the beds, then wrapped them with Warm and Natural batting. I used duct tape on the back of the design wall and taped the batting snug, smoothing out wrinkles. 
Quilting Loft

I attached them to the plywood bottom of the beds with L shaped screws. 

Quilting Loft

Remember I said we like things that serve several functions. All I need to do is turn a couple of the L screws a quarter turn and I can pop the design board off the wall and can use it on the floor to square up and block a quilt if needed.

Till next time, enjoy and feel free to comment or ask questions. I may well not know all the answers but I’m sure I can make something up and see if anyone knows the difference.

What’s on your design wall?

1 comment:

Dan's Ramblings

 Dan here ~ Was out by the fire as it was a very nice evening. I had my doubts but the wind calmed down quite nicely.  I find it very hard ...