Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Finish

Carol here ~

I finished up my BIRDS ON A WIRE wallhanging. As I mentioned in a previous post, the pattern is by Michelle R Hiatt of Sew On The Go.


The quilting is all free motion by me. I quilted curves in the triangles, filled the background with swirls and quilted curly-q’s in the black. 


This was the first free motion custom quilting I have done in almost two years. Talk about rusty! I felt all herky-jerky, couldn’t get my rhythm going even after putting the music on of my two favorite quilt along artists ~ Queen and Meatloaf. Sheesh.


All in all, I’m happy with how it came out. (don’t look too close) It’s done, it’s hanging ~ time to move on to the next project.


Our daughter, Vanessa, is a knitter. For Christmas she knit Dan & I these cowls for us to wear on our walks when it is really cold. We call them our ‘Nessa Necks. 

Knit by Vanessa

Knit by Vanessa

We love them! They are not too tight (just right for this claustrophobic mom), are super warm and they hide my double chin. 😜

If you are a knitter and would like to whip one of these up, click here for the pattern.

Vanessa always has several projects on her needles ~ just like we have several quilt projects in progress. Must be in the genes…..

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