Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Lotsa Bindings

Carol here ~ 

I spent most of last week at my sewing machine making and stitching on bindings.

Here is the pile of quilts waiting for the binding to be hand sewn to the back. I guess those will keep me busy for a while.

I also got the binding complete on 2024-20.


The quilts in this pile are quilted and bound and are now in the "to be washed" pile.  

I have been trying to organize our growing piles of quilts so started with the tags you see  with the quilt number and the size. The red fabric attached on the side indicates that they haven't been washed yet. We originally just used scraps of paper but they were always ripping off or folding over on themselves so hopefully this method will make it easier to find the quilt we are looking for.

I recently made another STAND 'N STOW BAG, I had fabric left over so also made a ZIPPY STRIPPY bag to match.  These two were gifts and have already been gifted.  I also made the second ZIPPY STRIPPY bag...just because.  It has no home yet but I'm sure it will eventually.  Both of these patterns are from ATKINSON DESIGNS

Lena Longarm has had a bit of a break.  I was almost out of the batting I use for these sized quilts, it was on backorder, so held back on quilting. It finally arrived the other day so I guess it's time for Lena to get back to work.

I have been on a roll with my walking, even in the cold.  It's not too bad once I get moving.  Yesterday Dan came with me and we walked around Green Pond on the pond, about 2.3 miles. It was a bit windy but the sun definitely has some warmth to it.

We've almost made it through January, the sloooowest month of the year.  

Have a good week!

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