Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Carol here ~ 

Since I haven't gotten a call back from the Innova tech about an appointment for Lena Longarm we continued to fiddle with her a bit yesterday.  I think we got her stitching correctly....maybe.  I did lots of scribbling, making minor adjustments as I went along.  We'll see what happens when I hook her robotics up again.

I still want her to have a complete overhaul so guess another phone call is going to have to happen.

On Saturday afternoon we headed to Readfield to attend the Marranacook Community High School's production of "the Spongebob Musical".  

Grand Kailey was part of the production team as Lead Painter and several of her friends were in the show.


After the show we all went out for an early supper, Erin too as she came down to the show.

L-R Vanessa, Lucas, Jakob, Me, Erin, Dan, Kailey

We are headed back to Readfield on Thursday for Thanksgiving at Vanessa and Lucas'.  It's going to be an early dinner this year as we are accommodating grandson Evan's schedule.  He has to be at work in Scarborough at 2:45. 

I made a batch of applesauce on Sunday and will make another batch today along with rolls and bread. Vanessa decided we were going to order pies this year instead of making them ourselves. Works for me.

Here is my favorite recipe from King Arthur that I use for the rolls.

I did finish up a binding last week but it has been so windy I haven't been able to get an outside photo of it so will wait to next time to show you.

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving everyone!

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