Friday, July 26, 2024

Dan's Rambings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening from the studio. 

It is nice out but we are wiped. We went to Augusta to the Maine Quilt Show. There were quite a few people there and a wide selection of different quilts and wall hangings. Most were not of my tastes but I could still be impressed with the end results. I actually saw none that I needed to run home and see if I could replicate. Lots of circles and paper piecing that I have not developed a taste for. 

We did see a few familiar faces and met up with Michelle Renee Hiatt and Terry Sue Blanchette, fellow instructors from my Studio 180 days. Michelle is teaching this year at Maine Quilts. We had a nice visit over supper. 

This is the quilt that won best of judged, hand quilted.

Here is Michelle’s teacher quilt that was hanging in the show, pattern is called Liberty Court.

My lily is still putting on a show although the first blooms are starting to fade. Pretty while they last. 

My other lily that survived the rodents is blossoming now as well. 

Vanessa and the grands are scheduled for a visit tomorrow. We will be heading to Rangeley for Erin’s performance in Rangeley’s summer musical Newsies on Sunday. Always interesting to see and hear the local talent perform.

In the studio I am still working on #18 for 2024. It is another in my series using all polka dot prints. It should be ready for a border before I head to bed tonight. Well over 3000 pieces in this one. Need to come with another idea for the next one. I have a couple rumbling around in my head, time will tell what comes out.

It looks to be a good weekend as far as the weather is concerned. Time will tell how busy it will be around here. At least it is cool and quiet in the studio.

Enjoy your weekend, stay safe.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...