Friday, February 23, 2024

What Was I Thinking?

Carol here ~

Sunday I loaded Dan's quilt #42 on Lena and decided to stitch the pattern PEARLS AND PAISLEY on it.  What was I thinking?

It's a very dense quilting pattern, lots of stitching, took almost two hours for Lena to make one pass across the quilt.  Plus there was not enough thread in the bobbin for the whole pass so I had to load a new bobbin mid pass and match the pattern so Lena could continue stitching.  

I don't usually do that.  If I know there is not enough thread in the bobbin for another pass I will load a full one.  

By the end of the quilt I was getting better at it, not quite so much cussing!
And the finished quilt came out pretty good.




Yesterday I loaded #43 on Lena.  I had seen a pattern on a quilt on Facebook that I liked the looks of so finally found the pattern.  It's called Ringlet.

Got started on it yesterday afternoon.



It looks like the one I saw on FB was sized down a bit as the quilting looks smaller.  I will try that next time.

I haven't been feeling the greatest the last few weeks.  My stomach is not happy.  I have had several barfy episodes ~ not fun, plus knocks the snot out of me and takes a day to recover.

It was decided at my oncology appointment on Wednesday to not give me my chemo injection.  Also, I'm to finish up this dose of my oral chemo pills but not to start my next dosage.  The doc is hoping by giving me a couple weeks off I will start feeling better and they will go from there.

My back has also been bothering me a but more than usual so I will be having a PET scan to make sure there isn't anything going on there.  

Yesterday we walked up Mud Pond.  It was a beautiful afternoon, the sun felt so good!  Spring is definitely on the way!

Enjoy this last weekend of February!

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