Friday, February 16, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening. It was a clear cold day. Not really a type of day I enjoy being outside in anymore. Carol and I did manage to get in a walk, at least the wind wasn’t blowing as hard as it was yesterday. Yesterday it was wild, the wind shook the house all day. Today was no way near as bad. The crisp cold gave us a nice sunset on Tuesday evening. 

We had a little mishap at the house today. Well, I guess technically, I had a mishap. You know those plastic containers that blueberries come in from the store? They never stay closed real good. Let me tell you from experience when you knock the container out of the refrigerator the blueberries go everywhere. Luckily Carol had been vacuuming and mopping all day so the floor was clean. Most were salvaged, but not all. Without any real discussion, the ones I pulled from the dust under the fridge, went in the trash. Sorry no picture, you’ll just have to take my word for it. We had a good laugh as we chased the little blue devils all over the kitchen.

In the studio I have been still playing with making four patch blocks and decided to make them the focal point of the next quilt. So #6 for 2024 is being called “ Some of my best friends are squares” Counting everything there are a little over 2400 pieces in the quilt. Most of the pieces are squares. From tiny 1/4” finished squares in the corner stones on the first border, to the 256 patch 12” blocks in the center of the quilt made up of 3/4” squares to the largest size I used, 2” squares. 


I apologize for the watermarks on my photos these days. One Facebook page I belong to is constantly having posts pirated and reposted on a different page as their own. Once on their page they provide click bait areas for unknowing followers to chase. The clicks take you somewhere, but not the tutorial or pattern that you thought you were clicking for. From there these posts of the photos get shared all over the internet. No credit to me of course. I’ve seen my work on other Facebook sites as well as Pinterest pages. Remember I don’t follow patterns so don’t see a lot of copies of my designs around. From my postings many people are now trying to duplicate my designs, which is fine. I take offense to someone using my design to make themselves money, giving no credit to the me, the designer. All this said. I am trying very hard to not post my quilts on the internet without a watermark in an effort to slow down pirating.

We are supposed to get snow overnight and a little more in the morning. I have heard several different variations of what we have coming for this storm. The thing I have determined that seems to be present in all the forecasts, is that it is going to snow. Now as to the amounts, that is where the variety comes into play. I will need to wait and see if I need the tractor in the morning or the broom. You guessed it, time will tell.

Stay safe and enjoy your weekend.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...