Friday, April 15, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Not much happening on this end. Hard to get anything accomplished around here. There is two adult bald eagles and one younger one that have been harassing the ducks of late. They are fascinating to watch. 

The young one is by far the largest of the three. We have been watching, trying to figure out whether the eagles are trying to catch a duck or to startle one as it pops up from it’s fishing dive and maybe loose it’s catch. When the ducks are close to this end you can see that they have fish in their beaks. Sometimes there are other ducks that will chase them trying to steal their catch. Nature, fun to watch.

A couple days ago when Carol and I were walking around the pond I noticed a very definite curvy/linear line across Winter Brook. This is the brook running on one side of the ridge we walk along, Green Pond on the other. A beaver dam in the making. Not holding water back at this point… yet. The first day we noticed it I figured that they were home sleeping after a hard night of dam building. The second day I could see that there was now a little water being held back as the water upstream was calm and was rippling below the dam. I see evidence where the beaver has been busy. 

Unfortunately, it has been two days since I made it to that part of my walk. Hopefully on todays walk I will see change. Either the beaver will have tightened up the dam, or man will have stepped in and altered the natural order of the brook. Time will tell.

I have been working along on Evan’s graduation quilt. The Diamond Rect units are all complete and am working on the Lemoyne Star quarters and the V-block units needed for around the edge before the border. There is still plenty of time to mess up the layout. 

Enjoy your weekend, it is forecast to be either colder or warmer, maybe wetter or dryer, maybe windy maybe not. Whatever, enjoy it anyway.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ Thursday evening. There were times today it snowed quite hard, real big flakes. We obtained about 5 inches that required reloca...