Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Crazy weather we have been having, warm then cold, snow then rain. Spring will arrive I just wish it would hurry up and be a little more consistent. 

Walking continues and the road conditions change depending on the time of day one walks. You all should know by now that early mornings and I are not the best of friends. The ground would be firmer early, but I guess I will need to just take my chances. 

Broke the 375 mile mark for this year’s 2022 miles last Friday. A little ahead of schedule but not much. It seems like it is more difficult this year. The mile did not get longer so I must have gotten older, don’t see how that happened.

Current quilt project coming along and I can see an end as the assembly process has begun. Not my favorite part of the process but coming along nicely. 

As I said I am following a pattern (more or less) this time. I say more or less as I am not following the patterns cutting or piecing directions. Was primarily using the pattern to get the layout and block numbers correct. Wrong premise, as I found an error in the pattern. Pattern called for 20 perimeter blocks for the twin, I was adding one more column of blocks so I would need 2 more or 22. I made most of the 44 snow ball rectangle blocks needed. 

Only to find out the number in the book was wrong and I did not need 22 sections I only needed 12 (2 snowball units per section). I guess even when I follow directions I end up with leftover pieces. Go figure.

This is the same pattern that Carol talked about last time. She had just quilted an older pieced top of the same design, hopefully she does not think this one is as pink as the last one. I think it will be fine. 

Has been a fun project and has used up a lot of scraps. The project will break the 100 hour mark this evening, remind me again why we give away all our quilts?

Enjoy the rest of your week, we are supposed to see a warming trend here.

Stay safe and enjoy.

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